Public speaking and knowledge sharing

Talks, presentations & podcasts

A little language love


Bots Brasil conference | October 2nd, 20


How a little linguistics knowledge can help you improve the performance of your bot. 

Making conversations work


Podcast for Open Dialog | October 7th, 2021


  • My  journey into conversation design
  • Content modelling and its impact on conversation design
  • How machine learning and upfront modelling fit together
  • New language models beyond intents & entities
  • Stroopwafels


Talking conversation design on VUX world


Guest on Kane Simms’ VUX World podcast | August 1st, 2021


Maaike Groenewege joins us to share some unique insights and perspectives on conversation design theory, techniques, tools and practice.”


Conversational AI – beyond the magic 


Talk at Chatbot Conference Europe | April 2nd, 2021


 Debunking some popular marketing myths about conversational AI. No, AI is not going to do all the work for you 🙂


Designing effective conversational interfaces 


Interview for Engati CX | February 16th, 2021


 “Maaike Groenewege, Conversational consultant and Founder of Women in Voice NL, talks about how we can explore the different levels of complexity to create successful intelligent chatbots and conversational AI that are significant processes of artificial intelligence and that help in conversational marketing. Maaike Groenewege has been recognized by Engati CX as one of the top 20 AI Influencers that you need to follow”


I’m all ears


Podcast with Ben McCullogh | October 16th, 2020


 Everything…this was one of those typical non-linear talks that I love having, but find impossible to summarise!


Linguistics: A conversation designer’s Superpower


Guest on Nick Myers’ The Artificial Podcast | August th, 2020


 “In this week’s episode of The Artificial Podcast, Nick chats with Maaike Groenewege of Maaike shares her career as a linguist ultimately led her to start her own business designing chatbots and other conversational interfaces. Maaike talks about why she thinks language and linguistics play such a large role in conversation design (and ultimately the future of voice assistant technology), and how in order for the technology to truly evolve the technology will need to be trained on more aspects of natural human language.”


VoiceFirst Roundtable


Guest on Bradley Metrock’s Podcast | March 26th, 2020


One of my first guest appearances, with the wonderful Bradley Metrock.