Blogs en sketchnotes
Understanding speech — Part 2
Let’s continue with part 2 of my speech primer for conversation designers, in which I discuss backchannelling, discourse markers, and deixis.
Taalverhaal: intonatie
Voor mijn online cursus Quickstart SSML maakte ik onderstaande video over een belangrijk aspect van hoe we praten: intonatie!
My first reactions to the new Google Action Builder
A recording of my very first encounter with the new Google Actions builder. Oh dear…
How to build Coronabots responsibly — if you want to build one at all
Now that Corona has large parts of the world firmly in its grip, more and more Corona chatbots are appearing. But is this really helpful?
Understanding speech — part 1
If you design for voice, it really helps if you’re familiar with some of the core concepts of speech. Here’s a primer to get you started.